A situation comedy, otherwise known as a sitcom, is a genre of comedy that is based on every-day situations of a cast of recurring characters. Sitcoms are episodic and story-lines usually do not carry over episodes. Episodes feature a conflict which causes distribution to the lives of the main characters. The episode's storyline focuses on solving the conflict or providing a revelation at the end of the episode. Most shows end by everything returning to normal, but some choose to have an arching storyline. Sitcoms are usually popular because viewers can tune in without having prior knowledge of the show or storyline.
An example of this could be the television show 30 Rock. Each week viewers witness a new problem to be solved on the set of TGS, with each problem being resolved and rarely referenced in upcoming episodes. While the conflicts are resolved in each episode, guest stars provide story arches within seasons. For instance, the character Liz Lemon's relationship with Carol and the conflicts that arise are carried throughout the season. Although the show has minimal storyline arches, 30 Rock presents a different storyline and conflict with each episode.
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